Member for Lockyer Jim McDonald MP is calling on all business owners to write a submission opposing the Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy’s proposed amendments to the Central Lockyer Water Supply Scheme.
“The Water entitlements proposed in these amendments will cripple our farmers”, says Mr McDonald. “Under these entitlements many of our regions farmers won’t be able to grow a single crop. That’ll mean a slash in productivity and the loss of hundreds of jobs, not just on farms but also in the businesses that directly support our farmers. It’s a massive hit for our community and its economy and we must not stop fighting until the community gets a fair go.”
Submissions were initially due by the 18th of January but Mr McDonald says a partial extension to this deadline has been secured. “It was clear that this original deadline simply didn’t give most people time to complete their submissions, especially with how busy people are over Christmas and the New Year. In light of this, we’ve fought to secure a two week extension to the deadline so now anyone in writing a submission has to provide the Department with a completed submission form coversheet by the 18th of January with an assurance that a finalised submission will be provided prior to the 4th of February.”
Business Owners looking to make a submission can do so online or by submitting a paper submission. The links for the online submission and paper form can be found at, while printed forms can also be collected from the Lockyer Electorate Office in Gatton. Mr McDonald urges anyone looking for a hand with their submission to contact his office for assistance.