Co-Operation Gets Results for Local Roads
Member for Lockyer Jim McDonald was delighted to see the Department of Transport and Main Road’s recent announcement of a $1.56 Million upgrade for the Brisbane Valley Highway through Fernvale. ‘The Brisbane Valley Highway is one of the busiest and most dangerous roads in Lockyer, so it’s wonderful to see
Lockyer and Toowoomba Rural Fire Brigades Fighting to Survive!
A Queensland Fire and Emergency Service (QFES) map shows that the State Government intends on expanding the Toowoomba Levy District to include a further 6,456 properties, effectively wiping out Murphy’s Creek, Withcott and Upper Flagstone Creek Rural Fire Brigades. LNP Member for Lockyer Jim McDonald and LNP Member for Toowoomba
Promising News for Somerset Recyclers
Somerset residents keen to take part in the Queensland Government’s Container Exchange Scheme can be assured that Member for Lockyer Jim McDonald is fighting to secure a permanent collection point for the region. After a recent meeting with representatives from Container Exchange, the entity tasked with running the scheme, Mr
Businesses Urged to Help in the Fight for Our Farmers
Member for Lockyer Jim McDonald MP is calling on all business owners to write a submission opposing the Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy’s proposed amendments to the Central Lockyer Water Supply Scheme. “The Water entitlements proposed in these amendments will cripple our farmers”, says Mr McDonald. “Under these