A notorious intersection on the Warrego Highway will see significant safety improvements when road works start this month.
The Fairway Drive intersection at Hatton Vale will see a longer acceleration lane for merging traffic and an added deceleration lane.
Member for Lockyer Jim McDonald said the work solves two of the biggest problems: fast lane traffic turning right into Fairway Drive off the Highway, and exiting Fairway Drive onto the highway.
“It’s really welcome that funding has finally been provided to see the deceleration lane from the east and the acceleration lane from the west improved,” Mr McDonald said.
“We really ramped up the fight after a fatal crash in December 2016 when Martin Foott lost his life at the intersection.
“While there are other works that need to be done at the intersection, this is a great start in future proofing and improving the safety for those coming home from work.”
As the population of Hatton Vale and surrounding areas grows, Mr McDonald said it is important the infrastructure is improved.
“This safety improvement is really welcome but we’ll keep fighting for other safety improvements to minimise the danger for our community,” he said.