Do you have an interest in politics? Are you between 15 and 25 years old? If this sounds like you, the YMCA Queensland Youth Parliament might be just the place for you. Applications are now open for 15 to 25 year olds interested in having a chance to represent their communities at the 2021 YMCA Queensland Youth Parliament. Youth Parliament serves as a bridge between legislators and youth and gives participants the chance to rub shoulders with Queensland’s legislators while serving as an avenue for personal development in a wide range of fields.
Member for Lockyer Jim McDonald is keen to facilitate the program again this year and urges anyone interested to apply now. “Queensland Youth Parliament in a unique opportunity for a young community minded person to represent their electorate in front of likeminded individuals from across the state. Young Parliamentarians will have the opportunity to experience what it’s like to operate in Parliament, debating bills and trying to achieve the best for your community.”
Lockyer has a history of strong participation in Queensland’s Youth Parliament and Mr McDonald is keen to see this continue. Lockyer’s 2019 Youth Parliamentarian Emily Hallas also encouraged 16 to 25-year old’s to apply. “I wish I’d have done it sooner. Ms Hallas said. “It was incredible, I’ve learnt a lot being a part of the parliamentary process. It was a pretty big honour and privilege to even use the chamber in parliament house. It has really broadened my mind by talking to likeminded youths about topics they’re concerned about with Queensland’s future.” Anyone interested in applying can do so online at the YMCA Queensland Youth Parliament website, with applications set to close on the 14th of February. Potential applicants keen to learn more are encouraged to contact the Lockyer Electorate Office for more information.