Clarity for Trucks on the Toowoomba Bypass

The long-awaited opening of the Toowoomba Second Range Crossing on the 8th of September, has resulted in a few changes for transport operators in the Lockyer Valley. While for some operators the opening of the bypass is an excellent opportunity to save money and shorten trips, transport operators in Withcott

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Giving Seniors a Helping Hand

Member for Lockyer Jim McDonald says many Somerset Seniors may not be receiving many of the Government rebates they’re eligible for. “Queensland’s Seniors have spent their whole lives contributing to our great state so it’s only fair that they get something back. Unfortunately, most Seniors I speak to aren’t aware

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Co-Operation Gets Results for Local Roads

Member for Lockyer Jim McDonald was delighted to see the Department of Transport and Main Road’s recent announcement of a $1.56 Million upgrade for the Brisbane Valley Highway through Fernvale. ‘The Brisbane Valley Highway is one of the busiest and most dangerous roads in Lockyer, so it’s wonderful to see

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Lockyer and Toowoomba Rural Fire Brigades Fighting to Survive!

A Queensland Fire and Emergency Service (QFES) map shows that the State Government intends on expanding the Toowoomba Levy District to include a further 6,456 properties, effectively wiping out Murphy’s Creek, Withcott and Upper Flagstone Creek Rural Fire Brigades. LNP Member for Lockyer Jim McDonald and LNP Member for Toowoomba

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